While I Breathe I hOpe


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🇳🇿 Aurora Brosnahan Clairaudient🥈 SILVER

(NEW ZEALAND) Renowned and highly sought after New Zealand based talented and skilled psychic medium, Aurora Brosnahan, blessed with both clairvoyant {the art of extra sensory sight} and clairaudient {the art of extra sensory perceptible hearing} skills. 

Aurora offers her various readings, which also include love and relationships, biz and career, life path, astrology, tarot and pet psychic readings - not only to fellow/ess New Zealanders but also the English language speaking world at large.

To find out more and to get a premium personalized reading with Aurora, visit ~

Quote You must train your intuition, you must trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide by Ingrid Bergman

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