While I Breathe I hOpe


If on a phone, open me in Chrome / Safari & hold me in landscape / horizontal ~ And remember to bookmark this Dum Spiro Spero Classifieds Listings Directory to your computer desktop or save this site to your laptop / ipad / tablet or smart phone home-screen, so you can visit this website when ever you need a reading or other metaphysical service or product

Classified Ads Packages For Providers

Your classified advert that relates to your spiritual / metaphysical service/s and or product/s can be placed here on this Dum Spiro Spero website home feed, as well as individual pages that correspond to the advertising package you decide to opt for, of which there are four different levels, read on to find out more!   

However before we get to the classifieds bit below, here's a little bit about why this DSS classifieds ads service is highly likely to be transformative to your ethical metaphysical services or products small business ...

The internet has obviously changed, in the early days of the world wide web, and free traffic was easy to obtain via either your own website, blog or social media activities. 

In the early days of radio it was easy for anyone to set up a radio station and gain listeners but companies began to take over the airwaves, the same happened in the early days of television, it was relatively easy to set up a tv station - until companies took over TV and now the same has happened to the internet, incrementally bit by bit, the www has been dominated by gargantuan Corporation's and these behemoths virtually control the flow of web traffic. 

So unfortunately for the average person who earns an average income, the pay to play model to obtain internet traffic and potential customers is becoming more and more costly and therefore ousting the average Joe or Joanna from being able to afford paid advertising which actually works!

Here's a blog post article written over a decade ago by Mark Schaefer, who accurately predicted the demise of content marketing / blogging for traffic and who warned that the internet would be taken over by huge corporations and large companies, heck Mark is right, even online tarot card readings are now dominated by companies that bring in millions but often times the readers and advisors earnings are mediocre at best ... 

Now this is where this DSS Classifieds service comes to the rescue - because by pooling small amounts of money collectively as advertisers (collective advertising) we can bypass the middleman while still getting paid search engine traffic (DSS uses both PPC online advertising as well as offline advertising, so you don't have to). 

By utilizing this DSS Classifieds advertising service, you can run your business independently, you can decide how many hours you wish to be available for readings, you can decide how to price your products without having to worry about what percentage a marketplace will take).

In fact, unlike marketplace websites, DSS will always treat you with courtesy and respect - because while we use the money raised via DSS Classifieds ads, in online PPC advertising campaigns targeted at potential customers of spiritual and metaphysical services and products, our only customers are only YOU, we don't have two sets of customers, our only customers are YOU the seller!!! 

OK so now let's get down to business, lol ...

When you submit your advert to DSS, please include -

1) 250px square image

2) Banner 600px wide by 200px tall (optional)

3) Promotional Video embed code (optional)

(YouTube / Vimeo / Daily Motion etc)

4) Your Advert's Headline which can consist of up to 30 characters (though DSS) reserves the right to slightly shorten it!

5) Your written advert, this can be as long as you desire but really three or four paragraphs is likely to keep potential customers on this website, interested in your paid  classified listing! 

6) A quote that relates to the theme of your listing, the quote can be something said or written by someone else, famous or someone not as well known or indeed the quote can be created by yourself! 

7) Your website or blog url (the page you want the link on your DSS Classifieds ad to go to, this doesn't have to be your sites homepage) (please note that your website must end with either a com / net / co.uk / .ca or any other professional domain extension, it cant be a dot tumblr / dot wix / dot blogspot / dot wordpress etc).

8) Your email address (which wont be published on your classifieds advert, unless you ask request DSS to do so). 

¼ = Three Months Ad Package 

£90 / $90 / €90

Your advert will stay on the DSS home page feed for 12 weeks! 

BRONZE ðŸ¥‰ = Six Months Ad Package

£180 / $180 / €180

Your advert will be preceded by a bronze emoji and will stay on the DSS home page feed for 26 weeks!

SILVER ðŸ¥ˆ = Nine Months Ad Package

£270 / $270 / €270

Your advert will be preceded by a silver emoji and stay on the DSS home page feed for 39 weeks!

GOLD ðŸ¥‡ = Twelve Months Ad Package

£360 / $360 / €360

Your advert will be preceded by a gold emoji and will stay on the DSS home page feed for 51 weeks!

Please make your payment via PayPal, you can do this by using the DSS email address, which is -

 dum spiro spero @ e mail . com 


Alternatively you can make payment using the DSS PayPal.Me link, which is -

 paypal . me / dum spiro spero dot net 


Please send your 250px square image and written advert text, quote - as well as the other optionals mentioned above to ~ 


Please also note that GOLD / SILVER / BRONZE as emphasised on the classified listing titles on the DSS homepage feed are not indicative of the quality of the service and or product listing or provider, it is merely a way of DSS admin being able to easily ascertain the duration of the advert on the home page. Furthermore the product / service seekers have been made fully aware of the reasoning for BRONZE / SILVER and GOLD on the FAQS For Seekers Of New Age Services & Products page.

For Useful Tips To Help Your Classifieds Ad Be Successful And How To Keep Potential Customers On Your Own Site, Go To FAQS For Providers Of New Age Services / Products



Quote We are all now connected by the internet, like neurons in a giant brain by Stephen Hawking 

Dum Spiro Spero © Design by Dadang Herdiana