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🇬🇧 2 Feathers Native American Holistics🥈SILVER

(UK) After visiting the Grand Canyon Peter and Sara were inspired to bring traditionally made American Indian art, jewellery, instruments and songs to their shop called Two Feathers which is based in Brighton. 

Plus there's an even larger assortment of wonderful new age goodies and gifts (which can be purchased from the 2 Feathers online or offline in their actual physical Brighton high street shop) that mostly have their origins rooted from Native American Indian Tribal Communities. Which includes smudge sticks, dream catchers (to remedy any ethereal dream negatives that might come during sleep time) salt lamps, sexy seduction candles, harmony candles and even singing bowls etc ...

To peruse and purchase a wide range of ethically sourced Native American products, from the 2 Feathers High Street Store, you can find them at -

Two Feathers
11 Kensington Gardens
BN1 4AL 
United Kingdom

Alternatively to shop the same said goods online visit -

Quote Go forward with courage. When you are in doubt be still and wait, when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still, be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists - as it surely will. Then act with courage. By Chief White Eagle, Ponca Chief

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