πΏπ¦ Astrology / Numerology / Tarot / Ursula Wania ¼
(SOUTH AFRICA) Ursula Wania is an expert in several fields of metaphysics and her various services reflect this, for instance you can have a horoscope reading with Ursula and she'll also delve into your astrological charts.
Furthermore Ursula will conduct an in-depth live, one to one, tarot cards or soul reading for you via the phone or skype or zoom etc, during which she will answer your important questions about love and romance and career and wellbeing etc.
Plus if Ursula Wania isn't already busy enough doing client readings, she also manages to squeeze in time to write astrological, magical and spiritual books, both in digital and paperback formats!
To reach out and connect with Ursula Wania, you can find her online shop and services here ~
Quote Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars by Les Brown