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🇨🇦 Readings With Bryan Of Stafford Tarot 🥈SILVER

(CANADA) Bryan Of Stafford Tarot has been running his one man cards readings service for many years and although he has learned the various meanings for each and every tarot card, Bryan still considers himself to be an intuitive reader ... 

... By "intuitive" Bryan means that he also incorporates his own gut feelings along with the more formal definitions of each tarot card, to help his clients meander their (at times) tumultuous lives; so they can more easily resolve the issue/s that have led them to having a Stafford Tarot Cards Reading with Bryan in the first place!

Being an avid collector of decks, Bryan uses some of the following when doing custom readings, Rider Waite Smith, Morgan Greer and also Pagan Tarot. Furthermore Bryan also likes to use oracle card decks too for his clients and some of his favourites for his readings are Past Experience, Triggers and also the rather popular Moonology Oracle!

If you are local to Guelph, Ontario, you can have an astrology and or tarot reading with Bryan of Stafford Tarot in person, face to face at his own abode, though if you live slightly further afield and you feel it's too far for you to travel, then Bryan may even consider driving to you instead, now how's that for service!?!

Otherwise you can book Bryan for a remote / distant reading session via Zoom or such the like.


Regardless of whether you wish to have a Stafford Tarot or Horoscope Reading with Bryan, to arrange and book a reading with him, contact Bryan at -

 bryan tarot reading @ g mail . com 

Here to follow are just a few of Bryans incredible bespoke readings that he will conduct for you ...

Solstice / Equinox Reading (a short 15 minutes reading that takes place only on the four days of the year that the solstice and or equinox happens on). Holiday / Special Occasion Reading (for 30 minutes). Wedding Reading - for yourself or you can gift it to someone else you love who is getting married or just has gotten married (30 minutes). New / Full Moon Reading (15 minutes). Intuitive Envelope Reading, in which will contain your reading - how cute is that !?!

Bryan has many other interesting readings and to find out what they are and indeed to also find out more about the man himself, you can visit his very easy on the eyes website at -


Quote My mother had this deck of cards, that her mother had given her - and that she passed on to me; it was a Gypsy tarot deck that I used to carry everywhere by David Blaine

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