
🏡      G O L D🥇  S I L V E R🥈  B R O N Z E🥉  ¼

🇺🇸 Tarotscope & Readings With Elliot Adam Oracle ¼

(USA) {Doctor} Elliot {Adam} Oracle has been an influential personality in the tarot and oracle cards readings industry for over 2 decades ... 

Initially he opened up his own bricks and mortar tarot readings shop but has long since moved his independent oracle readings services online ...

Elliot Adam is also the renowned author of Fearless Tarot and also the follow-up book Tarot In Love both of which come signed by the gentleman himself who penned the said books; though you will need to do some serious internet searching and sleuthing to track down a copy or two or a few, due to their popularity which means these two just said books are currently sold out!

Along with his free monthly tarotscopes and weekly oracle reveals, Dr Elliot Adam Oracle also offers the definitions of the tarot cards for anyone interested in pursuing tarot reading professionally as a career, all of the just mentioned can be viewed on his YouTube channel.


Though when Dr Elliot Adam isn't filming his free video offerings, he's busy consulting with his very pleased return customers who have booked his premium tarot readings - and of course you can too by going to the following page ~ 



Quote Experts in ancient Greek culture say that people back then didn't see their thoughts as belonging to them. When ancient Greeks had a thought, it occurred to them as a god or goddess giving an order. Apollo was telling them to be brave. Athena was telling them to fall in love ... by Chuck Palahniuk

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