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🇦🇺 Amira Celon / Oracle Astrology Readings 🥇GOLD

(AUSTRALIA) Amira Celon who has been practicing the craft of fortune telling for over 1 score year and 10, is renowned within the astrology and tarocle {tarot + oracle} industry, as a highly acclaimed and accurate teller of what is to come in the querents {or customers} near and more distant future/s ... and she has a repeat clientele of both celebrities as well as non-celebrities ... 

Furthermore her Amira's Love Oracle Cards are as visually appealing as they are modern and this said deck is so accurate when it comes to glimpsing the love life of who ever is being enquired about, that Amira also often incorporates her own cards into her predictive psychic tarot and astrology readings

Plus if one set of cards isn't enough, if you're a fellow or fellowess reader or advisor, you will also be glad to be informed, that the one and only Amira Celon has indeed also put out a second oracle deck, which is circular, to take on the shape of a tea cup and is aptly named the Coffee Cup Oracle.

Now whilst on the subject of tea and coffee, lol, Amira will also read coffee grounds {the residue left at the bottom of the coffee cup after drinking the liquid coffee} to see whats coming up for {you} the querent!!! 

It's also worth mentioning that Amira Celon has a YouTube Channel through which she regularly does livestreams - during which viewers can purchase a reading from her in realtime and then have one question or two or a few, answered by Amira with the help of which ever tarot cards or oracle she's using.

To find out more about the delightfully eloquent and charming Amira Celon, you can find her in many online places, by going to ~


Quote If you go back a few hundred years, what we take for granted today would seem like magic - being able to talk to people over long distances, to transmit images, flying, accessing vast amounts of data like an oracle ... by Elon Musk

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