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πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Lumos Oracle Readings In French & English ¼

(FRANCE / CANADA) Julie is the brains and beauty behind Lumos Oracle and being multi-lingual means if French is your native tongue, you can enjoy a Lumos Oracle tarot cards reading with Julie and if English is the only language you speak - you can also equally enjoy a tarot or oracle cards reading with her ... 

Julie was initially attracted to all things metaphysical, mysterious and spiritual since her teenagehood, therefore tarot cards and learning the tarot system came naturally to Julie who is now a highly adept and accomplished tarocle {tarot cards + oracle cards) reader!!!

Currently, Julie originally from Brittany, France has crossed the ocean and is now based in MontrealQuebec City, Canada, where if you happen to live in that neck of the woods, you can have an in person face to face Lumos Oracle and or tarot reading with Julie.

If you live further yonder, Julie's still got you covered, so relax; you can have a live video call Lumos Oracle & Tarot Cards Reading with her via FaceTime / Messenger / WhatsApp / Zoom - take your pick the choice is all yours :)

To find out more about Julie and Lumos Oracle you can visit her wonderfully enchanting website {and when you do be sure to toggle the language button in the top right} by taking a magickal digital journey, which will transport you there, in the blink of a pair of eyes, by going to ~


Quote Harry took out his wand, murmured "Lumos" and a tiny light appeared at the end of it, just enough to let them watch the path for signs ... by J.K. Rowling


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